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Table 1 Original evidence of kidney disease in agricultural communities

From: Environment and chronic kidney disease in farmers



Study design, participants, age

Main findings


El Salvador

Bajo Lempa

775 individuals: 88.3% of total resident population in the region

Mean age: 39 years

Prevalence of CKD was 17.9% (men, 25.7%; women, 11.8%), higher than that reported internationally


El Salvador

Five communities

1184 general population without previous kidney problems

37 ± 11 years

Among men in coastal communities, 18% had eGFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 compared with 4% and 1% in communities 500 m above sea level. For agricultural workers, prevalence of reduced eGFR was highest for coastal sugarcane workers



Chinandega and León

194 male workers

17–39 years

Reduced eGFR occurred in 16%, 9% and 2% of sugarcane cutters, construct workers and small-scale farmers, respectively. Mean age did not differ significantly between occupations




2275 general population-based cohort

Age 18–70 years

CKD prevalence was 9.1% overall; 13.8% for men and 5.8% for women. Low education level and more years of agricultural work were significantly associated with CKD


Sri Lanka

Three rural areas (North Central, Central, Southern)

6153 people from random cluster sampling method, age 20–96 years

Proteinuric CKD of uncertain etiology was prevalent in the North Central area. Age, sex, occupation as a farmer, and exposure to agrochemicals were potential risk factors for CKD



Andhra Pradesh

1184 adults through random sampling

45 ± 14 years

Prevalence of CKD 32.2%. Farmers (44.2% of subjects) showed a 20% greater prevalence of CKD compared to non-farmers in the fully adjusted model



Upper Egypt


800 patients on renal replacement therapy

Mean age, 46 years

Main occupation was farming. Unknown etiology, at 27%, was a leading cause of end-stage kidney disease



West Java

354 healthy young Javanese rice farmers

 ≥ 50 years, n = 197

 < 50 years, n = 157

Overall prevalences were 24.9% for CKD and 18.6% for CKDu. Odds ratio for high altitude was 2.0 (95%CI, 1.2–3.5) and longer use of insecticide and its frequency also seemed to represent risks



Tierra Blanca

579 healthy people with any occupations

42 years (IQR, 31–50 years)

Age- and sex-adjusted prevalence of low eGFR was 3.5% in the total cohort. Agriculture was the occupation with the highest adjusted prevalence of low eGFR (8.8%), associated with a > fivefold risk of low eGFR


  1. CKD, chronic kidney disease; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration ratio; CKDu, CKD of unknown etiology; IQR, interquartile range