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Table 5 Recommendations of imipenem dosing regimens for treating Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections with various PD target in critically ill patients undergoing CRRT

From: Imipenem dosing recommendations for patients undergoing continuous renal replacement therapy: systematic review and Monte Carlo simulations

PD target

Effluent rates (mL/kg/h)

CVVH (pre-hemofilter dilution)


40% fT > MIC

25 mL/kg/h

500 mg q 8 h or

750 mg q 12 h

500 mg q 8 h

35 mL/kg/h

750 mg q 12 h

40% fT > 4MIC

25 mL/kg/h

750 mg q 6 h

750 mg q 6 h

35 mL/kg/h

100% fT > MIC

25 mL/kg/h

2500 mg q 8 h

1500 mg q 6 h

35 mL/kg/h

2000 mg q 6 h

2000 mg LD then

1500 mg q 6 h

  1. CVVH continuous venovenous hemofiltration, CVVHD continuous venovenous hemodialysis, LD loading dose