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Table 1 Patient and hospital characteristics and quality care initiatives

From: Components of peritonitis preventive self-care education programs associated with self-care knowledge and behavior among patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis in Japan: a cross-sectional study


Mean ± SD


n (%)

Patient characteristics (n = 170)


65.1 ± 11.3


Gender (male)

111 (68.1)


Living arrangement (living with others)

144 (84.7)


Education level

 Elementary school or junior high school

27 (17.0)


 High school

75 (47.2)


 Vocational school or junior college

24 (15.1)


 University or higher

31 (19.5)


Working status (currently working)

65 (38.2)


Criteria for ADL for a person with dementia (independent)

165 (98.2)


Primary disease of ESRD

 Diabetic nephropathy

51 (31.1)



32 (19.5)


 Chronic glomerulonephritis

30 (18.3)



51 (31.1)


Type of PD


92 (54.4)


 APD and the other method (combination)

77 (45.6)


PD duration (months)

16.2 ± 9.2


Currently receiving home care service for PD (yes)

29 (17.9)


Involvement of family during patient education

81 (48.5)


Peritonitis incidence in the past (yes)

25 (15.6)


Perceived social supporta

5.4 ± 1.3


Hospital characteristics and quality care initiatives (n = 58)

Total number of beds in the hospital

 < 199 beds

14 (24.6)


 200–399 beds

16 (28.1)


≧400 beds

27 (47.4)


Number of PD patients

18.3 ± 16.7


Peritonitis rate in the hospital during 2018 (per patient-year)

0.32 ± 0.41


Professionals regularly engaged in PD therapy

3.5 ± 1.5



58 (100)



58 (100)



30 (51.7)



22 (37.9)


 Discharge nurses

15 (25.9)


 Social workers

11 (19.0)


Allocation of nurses with certification related to renal care (yes)b

45 (78.9)


Monitoring peritonitis rate (at least once a year)

34 (59.6)


Sharing peritonitis-related information with relevant departments

19 (33.3)


Standard protocol for peritonitis treatment

56 (96.6)


Home visit by a nurse before discharge

 Every time

14 (24.1)


 Most of the time

3 (5.2)


 Some time

3 (5.2)



7 (12.1)



31 (53.4)


Introduced home care for the PD patient in the past

51 (87.9)

  1. Missing data were excluded from the analysis
  2. ADL the ability of daily living, APD automated peritoneal dialysis, CAPD continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, ESRD end-stage renal disease, PD peritoneal dialysis, SD standard deviation
  3. aMean score of Japanese versions of the Social Support Scale (short version). Higher scores indicate higher perceived social support
  4. bAny certificates possessed by nurses in the surveyed department