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Table 3 Proposed indications for combined therapy with PD and HD

From: Clinical efficacy of combined therapy with peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis

1. Insufficient solute removal (inadequate dialysis)

 Total Kt/V <1.7

 β2 microglobulin >30 mg/L

 Other uremic symptoms

  Deterioration of nutritional status, decreased SGA, persistent anorexia

  ESA-hyporesponsive anemia

  Restless legs syndrome

2. Insufficient fluid removal (fluid overload)

 Higher or drug-resistant blood pressure

 Heart enlargement or pleural effusion on chest X-rays

 Persistent peripheral edema, anasarca

3. Other indications

 Limited peritoneal capacity

 Cardiovascular instability in HD

  1. PD peritoneal dialysis, HD hemodialysis, BMI body mass index, SGA subjective global assessment, ESA erythropoiesis-stimulating agent