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Table 1 Patient characteristics at initiation of HD (n = 166)

From: Lower Hb at the initiation of dialysis does not adversely affect 1-year mortality rate

Clinical findings

 Age (years)

61.5 ± 14.3(30~89)

 Gender (male/female)


 Systolic/diastolic blood pressure (mmHg)

147 ± 21/76 ± 16

 BW (kg; mean ± SD)

62.6 ± 15.7

 Method of HD initiation (AVF/catheter)


Primary disease of ESKD

 Diabetic nephropathy

87 (49%)

 Chronic glomerulonephritis

13 (8%)


41 (25%)

 Polycystic kidney disease

4 (2.4%)


21 (12.7%)

Laboratory findings

 Hb (g/dL)

8.56 ± 1.3

 Fe/TIBC (μg/dL)

61 ± 31/212 ± 44

 Ferritin (ng/dL)

305 ± 315

 Serum albumin (g/dL)

3.0 ± 0.6

 BUN/creatinine (mg/dL)

103 ± 33/11.1 ± 4.3

 eGFR (mL/m/1.73m2)

4.5 ± 1.8

 K (mEq/L)

4.7 ± 1.0

 Ca/P (mg/dL)

8.5 ± 1.1/7.6 ± 2.1

 Intact PTH(pg/mL)

186 ± 107

 B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) (ng/mL)

954 ± 2136 (4~18258)

 Cardiothoracic rate (CTR) (%)

54.8 ± 6.0

 ESA treatment

129 (78%) epoetin beta pegol:89 darbepoetin:40

 ESA dosage (U/week; converted in Epo dosage)

4871 ± 3259

 Erythropoietin resistance index(U/week/Hb (g/dL) × BW (kg))

9.95 ± 7.36

 Fe treatment

46 (28%)