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Table 1 Laboratory findings immediately before etelcalcetide treatment

From: Restoration of renal anemia following therapy with etelcalcetide for refractory secondary hyperparathyroidism: a case report with mini-review


 WBC 4700/μL

 RBC 448 × 104/μL

 Hb 13.3 g/dL

 Ht 41.4%

 Plat 15.8 × 104/μL

Blood chemistry

 AST 10 U/L

 ALT 7 U/L

 LDH 187 U/L

 ALP 314 U/L

 Γ-GTP 8 U/L

 TP 5.8 g/dL

 Alb 3.3 g/dL

 Glob 2.5 g/dL

 Cr 8.79 mg/dL

 BUN 76 mg/dL

 UA 6.7 mg/dL

 Tcho 181 mg/dL

 Na 141 mEq/L

 K 5.3 mEq/L

 Cl 103 mEq/L

 Ca 9.5 mg/dL

 CCa 10.2 mg/dL

 P 5.5 mg/dL

 Serum iron 88 μg/dL

 TIBC 210 μg/dL

 TSAT 42%

 Ferritin 68.0 ng/mL

 Intact PTH 1150 pg/mL