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Table 1 Patient characteristics

From: Temporary central venous catheter at hemodialysis initiation and reasons for use: a cross-sectional study


Temporary CVC

(n = 137)

Permanent VA

(n = 256)

P value

Age (year)

67.4 ± 14.4

66.2 ± 14.7


Male sex, n (%)

92 (67.2)

181 (70.7)


Predialysis nephrology care


< 0.001*

 < 6 months, n (%)

82 (59.9)

45 (17.6)


 6–12 months, n (%)

7 (5.1)

29 (11.3)


 1–2 years, n (%)

13 (9.5)

55 (21.5)


 2–5 years, n (%)

20 (14.6)

71 (27.7)


 > 5 years, n (%)

15 (10.9)

56 (21.9)


Kidney disease due to ESRD



 DKD, n (%)

45 (32.8)

101 (39.4)


 CGN, n (%)

22 (16.1)

47 (18.4)


 HN, n (%)

32 (23.4)

57 (22.3)


 Other CKDs, n (%)

20 (14.6)

44 (17.2)


 RPGN, n (%)

13 (9.5)

7 (2.7)


 AKI, n (%)

5 (3.6)

0 (0.0)


Serum creatinine (mg/dL)

7.90 (6.76–9.69)

8.64 (7.28–10.37)


eGFR (mL/min per 1.73 m2)

5.34 (4.36–6.65)

5.03 (4.14–6.06)


Hemoglobin (g/dL)

8.7 ± 1.9

9.3 ± 1.4

< 0.001*

The time from the creation to the first cannulation of AVFs (days)

8 (6–12)

66 (21–139)

< 0.001*

The time from HD initiation to the creation of AVFs (days)

10 (6–17)


The time from HD initiation to the first cannulation of AVFs (days)

19 (14–24)

  1. AKI acute kidney injury, AVF arteriovenous fistula, CKD chronic kidney disease, CGN chronic glomerulonephritis, CVC central venous catheter, DKD diabetic kidney disease, eGFR estimated glomerular filtration rate, ESRD end-stage renal disease, HD hemodialysis, HN hypertensive nephrosclerosis, RPGN rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis, VA vascular access
  2. *P < 0.05