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Table 3 Imaging technologies promote tissue-wide lineage tracing studies

From: Intravital microscopy imaging of kidney injury and regeneration

Imaging technologies

Transgenic mice



Bioluminescence imaging (BLI)


Illuminated injuries in vivo in real time


Multiphoton microscopy (MPM)

Podocin-GFP; Podocin-confetti; PEPCK-GFP

Visualize the motility of podocytes and parietal epithelial cells (PEC) in vivo


Confocal microscopy

Coll1α-GFP-CreERT2; R26Lacz; R26mTmG; R26Tomato

Easily detect anatomic features of podocytes


Multiphoton microscopy (MPM)


Reveal the importance of podocytes Ca2+ in glomerular pathology


Two photon microscopy (TPM)

Confetti/Podo:Cre; CA-Rac1/Nphs1-rtTA

Podocytes change from a static to a dynamic state in vivo


Two photon microscopy (TPM)


Detect basic calcium levels in proximal tubular epithelial cells


Multiphoton microscopy (MPM)

PDGFRß-CreERT2; R26-mTmG

PDGFRβ mediates the communication between the renal interstitium and the tubule system


Two photon microscopy (TPM)

Sox9-CreERT2; R26-mTmG

In vivo imaging of the fate of green Sox9+ cells


Two photon microscopy (TPM)

mRen-Cre; R26-mTmG

The niche of progenitor cells of the renin lineage cell is continuously filled by the neonatal differentiation of the kidney


Multiphoton microscopy (MPM)

Ren1c-Cre; R26-Confetti; Ren1d-Cre; R26-Confetti

In focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, renin lineage cells migrate to the glomerulus and replace podocytes and PECs
