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Table 2 Overview of dialysis in Myanmar (2018–2019)

From: Present status of renal replacement therapy in lower-middle-income Asian countries: Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Mongolia, and Bhutan as of June 2019 (before COVID-19), from the interviews of leading doctors in every country: (duplicated English publication from “the special Japanese edition of educational lectures in the 64th annual meeting of the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy”)

No health insurance system available:

Publicly funded hospitals provide one free HD session per week for each patient. The government pays 10 USD and the patient pays 35 USD for an HD session at a privately funded hospital

Cost per HD session:

45 USD

CAPD costs:

400 USD per month

Times of dialyzer reuse:

Up to 8

Length of dialysis session:

4 h

Number of dialysis sessions per week:

1–3 times (depending on the patient’s financial situation)

3: 200 patients (5%)

2: 2800 patients (70%)

1: 1000 patients (25%) (estimated figures)

Number of HD patients:

4000 (in 2019, estimated)

Number of CAPD patients:

66 (in 2019, by the direct information from CAPD doctors)