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Table 2 The target achievement rates and coagulation sites in the CKRT circuit

From: Differences in chamber structure contribute to the incidence of venous air trap chamber coagulation during AN69ST-CHF: clinical and in vitro evaluation


ACH-Σ group (22 procedures)

Prismaflex group (22 procedures)

p value

Achievement procedures (%)/unachieved procedures (%)

16 (72.7%)/6 (27.3%)

17 (77.3%)/5 (22.7%)


Venous air trap chamber coagulation



 < 0.01

Arterial circuit coagulation




Hemofilter coagulation




Vascular access catheter coagulation



  1. The percentage of CHF procedures that were fully uninterrupted for 22 h, defined as “the target achievement rates,” were 72.7% (16/22) for the ACH-Σ group (dispensing method: NM 20 mg/h before hemofilter and NM 10 mg/h after hemofilter) and 77.3% (17/22) for the Prismaflex group (NM 30 mg/h before hemofilter only), concluding no significant difference between the two groups (p = 0.73)
  2. The number of procedures for which the target was not met was six in the ACH-Σ group and five in the Prismaflex group
  3. In the ACH-Σ group (6 coagulations), one hemofilter coagulation and five venous air trap chamber coagulations were observed, and in the Prismaflex group (five coagulations), one arterial circuit coagulation, three hemofilter coagulations, and one venous air trap chamber coagulation were observed. Venous air trap chamber coagulation occurred significantly less frequently in the Prismaflex group (5/6 in the ACH-Σ versus 1/5 in the Prismaflex group; p < 0.01). Statistical analysis was performed by Pearson’s chi-square test